August Calendar Welcome Back!🍎 The first day of classes for the 2024-2025 school year is Monday, August 12, 2024. Below is the calendar of events for August.🤠
Attendance Matters Parents, reminder that the first bell rings at 7:40AM and instruction starts at 7:45AM.
School Supplies 2024-2025 San Benito CISD Parents and Families of Elementary School Students:UPDATED LIST IS NOW FEATURED.Above is the elementary school student supply list for the 2024-2025 school year for all San Benito CISD elementary schools.These are the supplies that are to be purchased by the parents and families of elementary students this school year.A secondary student post will be provided separately.Se publicará por separado una versión en español de la lista de útiles de primaria y próximamente se publicará.
SMART Tag San Benito CISD will be launching SMART tag for bus students. SMART Tag will improve student safety and security while riding the school bus by ensuring that students board the correct bus and get off at the right stop.
STOP!T Solution STOPit gives our students a private place to report things that are going on with them or things they see in our schools. We look at this program as a reporting tool, not just anti-bullying.